Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Beer Butt Chicken

This is just one of the marvelous recipes I inherited from LSO. I inquired with my father-in-law about measurements in an attempt to standardize the recipe. His response is typical of many family recipes. Thankfully Beer Butt Chicken has become quite popular. If you don't like what you see below I recommend a Google search.

Recipe Summary
Prep Time: 30 mins
Cooking Time: 3 hours
Servings: 4-6
Source: LSO's parents
Beer, 1 can
Whole fryer chicken

Worcestershire sauce
Apple cider vinegar

Chicken Directions
  1. Stick beer can up chickens rear and balance in a 9 X 13 aluminum pan
  2. Barbecue on low for several hours basting chicken with marinade regularly
  3. Serve
Marinade Directions
  1. Place ½” of honey in bottom of a spray bottle
  2. Then place 3” of Worcestershire sauce, 2 inches of vinegar, and 6 inches of water.
  3. Taste. Add more ingredients as needed
  1. We typically shove the beer can into the cavity of the bird. Fancier holders are available at Bed Bath and Beyond.
  2. I have yet to get measurements for the marinade from my in-laws.Will update marinade directions at a later date.

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