Saturday, August 9, 2014

Garlic Bread

In my laziness I used to buy prepackaged freezer garlic bread. So when I say this recipe is delicious you must understand how low the bar was initially set. I think though, unless you are accustomed to making your own bread or buying it fresh daily, you will find this recipe to be pretty good.

Recipe Summary
Total Time: 20 minutes
Source: Kitty
Italian bread
Kosher style flake salt
Garlic powder

  1. Slice Italian loaf into desired thickness
  2. Butter bread slices liberally
  3. Pour salt into hand. Pinch salt between thumb and pointer finger. Sprinkle over bread until lightly covered.
  4. Shake garlic powder over bread.
  5. Toast until lightly brown. About 3 minutes.
  1. I use Kosher style flake salt from the gourmet spice shop Penzeys but any salt will do. Over the years I have a preference for coarse salts. Use whatever your budget allows.
  2. I use the Italian bread from Walmart. It is the best of all the box grocery stores in my area.
  3. Slice the rest of the loaf and put it in the freezer to keep bread fresh for an extra couple days.

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