Sunday, August 15, 2010


Recipe Summary
Time: 10 mins
Servings: 1
Source: Jessica Harris' Rum Drinks

Spearmint, 5 leaves, fresh
Peppermint, 5 leaves, fresh
White rum, 2 oz.
Simple syrup, 1/2 oz.
Lime, juiced, 1 oz.
Ice cubes
Club soda

  1. Muddle the spearmint leaves, lime juice, and simple syrup in a highball glass
  2. Add the rum and ice and top with club soda
  3. Stir to mix
  4. Serve immediately
  1. A garnish of a sprig of mint or a slice of lime may be added.
  2. Bacardi Superior was my choice for white rum
  3. Roll the lime on the counter pressing firmly to prep the fruit for juicing.
  4. The hefty metal end of a whisk worked well since I did not have a muddler.
  5. As with any adult beverage, the measurements are a suggestion. The crowd I served preferred sweet drinks so I ended up quadrupling the simple syrup and halving the lime juice.

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